Monday, February 28, 2011

An even dozen. Balloons, that is.

10b) Thanks to ProQuest, I learned that poor Betty Jean McMichael's obituary was published on March 18, 2008, two days after her death. She has four sons.

10c) Telos: Not in full-text, although I found citations in Academic Search Premier
British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Yes, full-text 12 months after publication via Academic Search Premier
Clinical Medicine and Research: Yes, via Academic Search Premier

11a) Duane F. Kelly heads up this four-star rated Vanguard fund with a stewardship grade of B.

11b) Yeah, it was the Dec. 2009 cover story, available as full-text PDF from MasterFILE Premier.

11c) It looks like Starbucks is the biggest competitor, followed closely by Dunkin' Donuts, if you are measuring competitiveness by number of franchises. But if you look at the historical data, you'll see that Dunkin' Donuts franchises appear to take in twice as much sales volume as the Starbucks franchises. Got to look at the whole picture.

12) I've gotten more personal use out of Morningstar than any other database. I have always thought that more people need to know about Business Reference USA and I hope this exercise helps in some small way the evangelical effort. I'm going to agree with my buddy Claudia and say that, if we could only keep access to one database, then that database has to be Worldcat. Maintaining our connection to most of the world's libraries is ultimately the best chance we have at meeting the diverse information needs of our patrons.


  1. Nice job using the research tools and thanks for continuing on with the 23 Things.

  2. i originally named my blog Poor Betty, but then changed my mind. Who's to say she's not better off?? 8-)

    Thanks for agreeing with me! I think Worldcat ROCKS! We would be no where without it!
